
Taught by Mrs. Wrona

In the אגרת הגרא the letter that the ולנא גאון wrote to his wife while traveling to א”י, the גר”א advises her to learn ספרי מוסר and specifically ספר משלי which he calls the most exalted of all ספרי מוסר. He further tells her that she should not just read it but rather internalize the מוסר and lessons that שלמה המלך imparted to us, for all generations, in ספר משלי.

שלמה המלך, who was the חכם מכל אדם imparts to us in ספר משלי direction, instruction, attitudes and wisdom on how to live and conduct our lives. משלי teaches us how to refine מדות, which will lead us on the דרך הישר and enable us to strengthen our אמונה and בטחון in ה’.

