
Taught by Miss Stefansky

״זכור ימות עולם בינו שנות דור ודור״
The people we are learning about this year are not merely names on a timeline or voices of the past. They are part of our history, part of Klal Yisroel’s history. They are part of the chain that joins us together as Am Yisroel. Their greatness and Torah wisdom defy time as we learn from them until this very day.


My goal this year is that the girls should come to know and appreciate the great people that preceded us. They should gain a thorough understanding of who these people were and what they did for us and for all of Klal Yisroel. In addition to the historical knowledge that they will be gaining, there will be a strong emphasis on learning from the hashkafos of these Gedolim and exploring how they pertain to each of us as individuals.


– Yeshivas Volozhin: R’ Chaim Volozhin, R’ Yitzchak Volozhin, the Netziv, the Bais Haleivi, R’ Chaim Soloveichik

– The Mussar Movement: R’ Yisroel Salanter and his talmidim

– Yeshivos of Mussar

– Additional yeshivos to be discussed – Mir, Brisk, Radin, Telz, Yeshivas Chachmei Lublin

Woven through these years in Jewish History are countless events and stories that we have so much to learn and gain from. In each Yeshiva, we will be focusing on the main Gedolei Torah of the time and learning about their lives, their seforim and their everlasting legacy.


An important skill that the girls will be developing is how to chronologically place people in time. At the beginning of every class, the girls are given an exercise to familiarize them with the chronology of people and events in Jewish history.

Additionally, the girls will learn how to incorporate the concepts of another place and time and apply them to our times today.

Throughout the year, the girls will be given opportunities to read and explore more about the GedoleiTorah that lived in the last two centuries. They will become familiar with biographies, and will in turn come to enjoy reading and learning about our great Gedolim.

Looking forward to a year of growth and הצלחה