
Taught by Mrs. Baila Brach

When it comes to creating an entirely new subject one must look at what the subject is called and what it means. Derachim means Direction. It was created to give direction and guidance, to many things that happen within our day to day lives that can sometimes be overlooked. Derachim was created to promote self awareness, positive self growth, and to give a better understanding of what growth and healthy change is all about.

Classes are innovative and fun. In many instances I want the girls to get a better understanding of life without them realizing that they are actually learning essential life skills that they can carry with them for the rest of their life. The subject is here so we know that by the time these girls leave school, various concepts were taught and explored in a healthy way.
Classes are broken up into many different topics. We don’t only discuss the topic as theory. At the end of each topic, a practical hand on application of the topic is explored, so the girls can actually apply what they are learning. Homework is given to see if the girls fully understood what was discussed within class and then I can see if they were able to absorb it properly.


1. Chesed
2. Growth and Change
3. Time management
4. Friendship
5. Self esteem
6. Tznius
7. Simchah
8. Kaas
9. Kinah
10. Gaavah
11. Self control
12. Music

This is a sampling of some of the concepts we will be covering this year. Hopefully after having explored all these concepts in depth, and then having been given the tools to carry with them, they will be able to internalize it and apply the knowledge when it comes up throughout their lives. It is my hope that the girls will come out with a deeper sense of awareness and contentment, with an understanding towards life and yiddishkeit so that they should be happy with who they are and what they represent.

I am also very impressed with each and every one of the girls I have met so far. They possess a desire to learn and grow and do better. I see that within their essays they wrote, and through the discussions we have in class. I therefore would like to thank you for the wonderful opportunity to be teaching your girls. May we experience a year of tremendous Hatzlacha and Bracha together!