
Taught by Miss Ginsberg

“…אבל ראוי לך להתחיל בעת חזק שכלך והכרתך לעין בספר תורת האלקים וספרי נביאיו כמי שלא למד מהם אות” (חובות הלבבות)

“..It is proper for you to, as your mind and awareness matures, begin to delve into the Torah of Hashem and the books of His Neviim, as one who has never learned a single letter..”

(Duties of the Heart)

The girls have learned ספר שמות many times in elementary school. As high school students however, they will revisit the events in ספר שמות with a fresh eye, discovering more of its depth and meaning.

The רמבן in the beginning of ספר שמות describes the ספר as one of גלות and גאולה. Superficially, גאולה is physical redemption, yet the redemption from מצריםoccurs in פרק יב – 28 פרקים before the end of the ספר!

רמבןredefines גאולה as the point when בני ישראל become the place for Hashem’s שכינה to dwell, through the ultimateredemption: the הקמת המשכן.


Our goal this year is to understand the process that בני ישראל go through, from שעבוד מצרים and building up to הקמת המשכן. We will also be discussing many other themes within the ספר such as:

With this in mind, some sections will be learned more in depth and others will be taught in a בקיאות style.

Emphasis will be placed on making connections between different ענינים in the ספר and noting how they build on each other. Thus, the learning is a process of discovery where students slowly develop and deepen their understanding of חומשthroughout the year.


Among the skills we will focus on are:

Homework /Tests

1. חזרה (review)

2. הכנה (preparation)

3. To develop their skills

4.Occasional קריאה quizzes to develop accuracy in reading and translating

5. Creative student projects after one or two פרקים;

6. One exam at the end of each semester.

7. Extra credit questions/preparation sheets

Your daughters’ success and well being is of utmost importance. Please feel free to call me at (347) 760-3711 with any concerns or questions.

I am looking forward to a wonderful and productive year!